The focus of our work in the Hutchison Lab (HutchLab) is on developing synthesis approaches to preparing functional and nanoscale materials with applications such as nanoelectronics, chemical/biological sensing, biomedicine, and nuclear waste processing/remediation. Our group has made a number of important contributions in each class of materials. [more on research in the HutchLab]
Members of the HutchLab have been leaders in the emerging areas of green chemistry and greener nanoscience. Group members contributed to the first green chemistry curriculum for the undergraduate organic chemistry laboratory and to the textbook (Green Organic Chemistry: Strategies, Tools and Laboratory Experiments) published by Professors Hutchison and Doxsee. Professor Hutchison founded the first center for green nanoscience (The Safer Nanomaterials and Nanomanufacturing Initiative) based upon the cutting edge research carried out by group members.